miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012

Painting on wood - Space - Dixit inspiration

Poker face?

Life is a stage or better yet it is made of many stages & many plays. It is all made of stages, acts, masks. Everything is an act - authentic or less authentic. And sometimes you get tired of your part or parts as we all have different parts in various contexts. You use masks to hide, to pretend, to fool. But you get tired of the fake smile & the clown nose. The poker face is safe, protective and it may help achieving your goals. You practice and you practice & life gives you the opportunities to built & implement your poker faces. But at a point you get tired to pretend, to act like it's ok, like u're not hurt, like you don't need support, help, hugs. Indeed life sometimes makes you stronger than you ever thought you could be, gives you the power to put a smile on your face & the strenght to look at the sky with hope. And not all are poker faces, not all pretend, some are honest faces, pure & sincere roles acting on the stage of life. Sometimes you let down the guard, remove the poker face and let the audience see the real you as you perform. And it's great...for a while. You act with your full heart. But other poker faces, other scenes, other acts & characters distract your audience. And while your public gets distracted by every tree, every setting, every detail and every new line, you put back your poker face & return to your usual parts. On some stages you should have the leading role and be the one that receives the applauses and the flowers at the end. But when the audience is busy with their phones, their laptops, their chair mate, their "did i close the window" thoughts, their sleeping during the play, they miss the story, the laughs, the flirting, the game and eventually you may wanna stop trying, you may wanna leave the stage. We are all paid actors...paid in certain ways...but no actor will perform on a stage where he is not appreciated, wanted, cheered, loved. Both actor & audience should learn their parts really good...the actor should constantly improve his skills & the audience should always be prepared, read & leard about the play, about the actor...